Sunday 6 May 2012

Real University vs. Franchise in Africa

Student is confused. Especially an African student who has not too many options. There are so many Universities in African countries. The student has a clear choice to join one of them. But which he should join. Our suggestion is to join a good government recognised and accredited university.
African student has a craze to join some UK or Indian university. Today lot of people are doing a business of education and the customer is student. These people take franchise of some UK or Indian university. They pay some money to the university and take their name to do business.
Most of them are working from Ghana. In Accra at least 5 such universities are working. One of them is located in Ring Road Accra. This university claims that it is giving a full time course, but in fact this franchise is providing distance education from an Indian University.
Not only this, this type of schools are not having qualified faculties. Part time teachers are teaching. Only one or two faculties are from India which is unable to deliver all the subjects as most of the time these faculties are not qualified as per Indian standards.
If you join a distance education course from an Indian University, the fee for a semester is $150 for a Graduate course and $200 for a Post Graduate course. But this franchise is charging 10 times of this fee claiming that this is a regular full time course.
The purpose of sharing this information is to make aware students that these people are making money and the student should not go for such franchise running Indian universities.
A student has a choice if he really wants to study from an Indian university. If a student studies in an Indian university, which is well recognised and the student can get a good job any where in the world. The student should come to India where the cost of living is as low as $200 per month and the fee is as low as $800 for Graduation course and $1200 for a Post Graduate Course. If the student take admission in an Indian University, he is also eligible for scholarships sponsored by Government and several Universities.
So what you have to decide? You should start process for taking admission in India an Indian University to boost your career and not in these franchise run schools. Come to India and see your career growth if you are really interested to give a new dimension to your career.
The franchise school can give you only degree but not a career!

First Day 105 friends in Facebook

Hi everybody, I am very glad to inform you all that this is the first day when we joined facebook. We are in the education business for last 4 years but never tried to join facebook or any social networking site. One of my friend suggested the we should join facebook. We joined facebook and you will not believe that we got 105 friend requests. Amazing.

We spoke to the friends on facebook that why they have sent request to us. Most of them liked our philosophy of higher education for African students in Indian Universities.

As usual, we promise all the students that we will continue our services as before and the students will be benefited as before.

We will continue our efforts to find our best universities for African students in India. Your dream is your career, and your career is our dream.